Upcoming Events
Fundraiser Loteria for Mujeres Unidas

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October: Annual Candlelight Vigil
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Every year in October we seek to bring awareness to the community about the dangers of domestic violence. We also take the time to honor the victims and their family and friends that were killed by their partners. Please visit our website often to know of the campaigning events during the month of October.
April: Annual Walk In Her Shoes

Annual Gala

The Women Together / Mujeres Unidas Annual Gala is held every year to help raise funds to retire
the debt on the Family Justice Center. The Family Justice Center was built in 2004 and was designed to help victims have easy access to coordinated services at one location. Services which include crisis intervention, safety planning, trauma informed counseling and legal advocacy. Every year we reach out to the community in hopes that we can count on your support so that we can continue to expand services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in our community.
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